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Firefox: change means pain or dead
2017-10-15 10:53:40
# Extensions(add-ons) in Firefox Firefox is my default web browser, I used it in Windows, Linux, Mac OS. The ONE and ONLY reason I am still on it is because Firefox is more customizable. The Extensions I have in Firefox: 1. FireGestures 2. Vimperator 3. AdBlock 4. FoxyProxy One of them, vimperator make Firefox more Vim-like, make me move from google Chrome. FireFox add-ons have been immensely more powerful since they had access to APIs that WebExtensions don't. vim-like extension in Chrome is limited. In my ~/.vimperatorrc I have following config: ``` set tabnumbers ``` this config setting every tab a numbers, so I can jump to specific tab I want, such as jump to 11th tab, I can just type "11gt" But unfortunately, it disappear when Firefox upgrade to 56. I search in Google and found this [Issue]( ``` Firefox 57 (2017-11-28): Only WebExtensions allowed in Firefox and AMO. Vimperator will not work with this release anymore. ``` # Why WebExtensions. Mozilla blog [add-ons-in-2017]( explained this. Developer can develop cross-browser compatible addons. The problem is: if add-ons in all web browser have same capabilites, why not try Chrome immediately. For power user, greate extension is only thing that they choose firefox. if Firefox abandoned this greate feature, Firefox is becoming a worse Chrome. # Market share Mozilla failed in Mobile OS(FirefoxOS), same with MS, not a shame thing in fact. But web browser market share  [data source]( Maybe, mozilla have no ideas on their own anymore and just following Google's lead. # More about change 1. Do not change things incompatiable if possible. 2. Make sure new tech is BETTER than the old tech before you kill the old one. 3. Provide tools to change from old to new automactically, make developers and users painless 4. Do not follow competitor's way, find your own way. Otherwise, you will lost and die on your competitor's way
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